The second strategy is: upholding the sanctity of marriage is directly related to upholding the sanctity of human life. He boldly asserts that Satan is attempting to destroy the value of human life by attacking marriage through sexual sin. Are we aware of Satan's designs? Or ignorant of them? We are most inclined to be tempted in this area of sexual immorality. Sexual sin is a strike against marriage. At the Reformation, marriage was denied as a sacrament and was given to Civil Government control but our nation has become more and more secular. "Marriage went down with the state," he claims. "It is no longer sanctified but contracted and contracts can be broken. Make marriage a sacrament and special graces will be available to resist temptation and sin. Human life will be valued as a precious gift if marriage is valued as a sacrament."
The third strategy is spiritual warfare prayer. Revelation chapter 20 announces "that Satan has been loosed to deceive the nations." St. Augustine wrote in his book, The City of God Book 20 chpt 6-16 an interpretation of Revelation Chapter 20. Those who hear the Messiah's word come to life. The pit has been opened in the 20th Century because Satan is no longer bound. Pope Leo XIII Oct. 13, 1884 heard God and Satan talking about man and his boasting that he can deceive the church. "I want the body of Christ" is what Satan has asked for (similar to Satan asking for Job). Pope Leo XIII composed the Saint Michael Prayer to fight spiritual warfare. "A restraint has been loosed that was previously bound and the demonic forces have been unleashed" according to Mr. Wood.
"The rock" is the fourth strategy whereby the church must stand firm and take action against the demonic assault. He encourages us to read every papal encyclical of marriage, human life and the family ever written for this is where the attack is taking place. Margaret Sanger seduced the Church of England into accepting contraception and abortion in the early 1900's. These encyclicals are the rock's answer to it. Mr. Wood asserts that the battle is on with "the rock verses the bottomless pit". These encyclicals explain how the church will withstand the demonic assault against it.
The last strategy is Mary. The role Jesus and Mary have in God's plan for the war of the ages. He acknowledges "that Christian love is that the more you love the capacity to love increases. Loving Mary does not take away from loving Jesus". In fact, he goes on to show how biblically and through church history, Mary has played a role in the war of the ages by crushing the head of the serpent. Praying the rosary assists in defeating Satan. He claims that "God's plan has Jesus and Mary joined up in mortal combat against Satan." Mr. Wood concludes his talk with this statement, "Any equipment in God's plan that He offers, I want."
I agree with Mr. Wood. I too, want any weapons that God has to offer for eternal salvation. This CD is perfect for opening one's eyes to how our society has been deceived in accepting abortion and then giving the listener tools in how to be a warrior for Christ. Mr. Wood backs up his strategies through scripture and church history for the Catholic and non-Catholic. He does not suggest that one must convert to Catholicism but he endeavors to enlighten the listeners to the tools already available through the Catholic Church. Who, by the way, has been in the business of spiritual warfare longer than anyone else.
You can purchase your own Spiritual Warfare From a Pro-Life Foxhole CD through Aquinas & More Catholic Goods for $9.95. I was given a free copy of this CD in exchange for my review by the free Catholic Book Review program of Aquinas & More. No monetary compensation was given for my review. Please check out Aquinas & More website for the latest books, CDs and sacramental gifts.
Thank you, Noreen, I agree with his strategies and maybe I can even get around to reading his book.
Definitely check out his website Joyce. He is a blessing to the unborn!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this review. This is an issue near and dear to my heart. I also agree with his strategies. And I'll put his book on my to-read list. Thank you for sharing with NOBH! Smiles -