Friday, January 27, 2012

Family Calendar by Arma Dei & Giveaway

I'm posting this information at Community of Catholic Bloggers as well as here so as many people as possible can check out Monica's great products and enter her giveaway!

Monica from Equipping Catholic Families Blog and Arma Dei generously gave me a free copy of her Family Calendar to review.  She offers two options, you can either buy it in black and white for the coloring pleasure of your children or buy it fully colored.  Correction:  both the black & white and colored calendar are offered for the same price!  I have the one which is fully colored and I three hole punched it and placed it in a report folder with a clear front page.

Very colorful front page in my report folder.
Note the focus of the month and important feast dates.
 If you want to stay on track with the liturgical calendar, this is a must have.  Each page informs you of the focus of the month.  For example, January is the Month of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. February is the Month of the Passion of the Lord...etc.  She also has left space to write special dates among the already listed popular  feast days of the month.  You will also find special notes on each month with dates to remember.

Lists all the feast and holy days of each month.
The last two pages of the calendar has a comprehensive list of all the feast days each month.  It's a great way to become familiar with saints and holy days each month.  So much information in her calendar!  I love it because it's all in one place at a glance.  Previously, I've been googling the liturgical calendar to learn of dates and feast days and now I don't have to.   This calendar is a great resource for teachers and moms who wish to raise their children in the Catholic Faith.

All of Monica's products are so vibrantly colored, easy to use and informative.  If you're not familiar with her work, you should head on over there right now!  In fact, she is hosting a giveaway of her Catholic Bilingual Bingo Game.  It's easy to enter her giveaway at Equipping Catholic Families.
She's a blessing to us all!



  1. Hi Noreen! Thanks for the review and the awesome pictures! I look forward to posting about your review on!
    ONE THING...(I had to check my pdf again =)
    In your introduction you mentioned that I offer two buy it in color or to buy it in black and white. The pdf I offer for purchase actually has BOTH the color version AND the black and white version, so you receive BOTH, but you can choose which version you want to print. I hope that clarifies...=)
    Again, thanks for reviewing the Calendar kit...and for mentioning my current GIVEAWAY!!

  2. Noreen,

    What a great calendar!There are some very talented people out there. I really will have to check out Monica's blog.

    I love hearing about good Catholic resources. Thank you for your review. So helpful as usual!

    God bless you!

  3. Hello Noreen!

    Thank you so much for dropping by and taking the time to send some prayers and well wishes my way. Me and the little ones are 100% better...or at least 100% better than we were earlier in the week! My poor husband also caught the flu...but was stuck in a hotel room he was sharing with 2 other men up in Iowa. (Insert demonic laugh!) ;)

    Thanks also for the link you provided on the Catholic Calender. I always pick up the one provided by the Archdiocese in late December, but this one looks so much more kid-friendly!!! I'm going over now.

    Also, I wanted to share with you that my facebook page has been blowing up with postings from "the left" over the Susan G. Komen Foundation's recent decision to pull funding from Planned Parenthood. Interestingly, the only people using inflammatory language (referring to us Pro-Lifers as "anti-woman" and "crazies" are the "pro-choicers"!!! ugh!!! Can't they see that their rhetoric is half the problem? Very disturbing images you shared with us about the abortion mill shut down in northern Illinois. Could anything be less "pro-woman" than that dirty, dangerous "medical" facility?!!!
