Saturday, November 5, 2011


Our culture is full of them... excuses.  We explain why we do what we do or why we don't do something instead of saying "I'm sorry."  We teach our kids to say they're sorry at a young age but somehow it doesn't translate over to adults.  At a mission retreat this week, I heard a priest talk about this very subject and he thinks because our culture is focused on self-interest instead of interest in others, that's where we've lost the thread of accountability that leads to a sincere apology.  He also said he believes that is why the confessionals are not busy with long waiting lines.  We don't even apologize to God for our sins enough because "I was just tired" or "Our schedule is too hectic" or "I didn't sleep well last night" "I can just ask for His pardon in my heart" etc.  Catholics have a wonderful way to repent and feel refreshed by going to reconciliation to receive absolution of our sins.  It truly is refreshing to admit out loud to a priest what I am sorry for.  It's also intimidating too, but I end up feeling like a load has been taken off of my shoulders.

No excuses work with God anyways.  He's heard them all and He knows our motivation behind it because He knows our hearts better than we know ourselves.  And if you really think about it... it's incredibly insulting to Him.  He has given us E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G., including His son who died for us.  It's important to praise and thank Him yet it is more important to ask for His forgiveness.

During the retreat, the priests talked about many things but what struck me the most was I need to stop excusing my behavior and apologize for it.  So, I decided to start first with God by going to confession that evening.  Following the talk, they had 5 priests listening to confessions with long lines of people waiting to apologize for their sins.  I was in that line too to make my own apology to God for what I've done and for what I've failed to do.  It felt good!

"For I will be merciful and gracious towards their sins and I will remember their deeds of unrighteousness no more."    Hebrews 8:12

I'm linking up with Trish at L.A.C.E. this week. Whatever is...Lovely. Admirable. Cheerful. Encouraging.



  1. so true! OWN IT is right mantra, not excuse it. Not that we hold on to our sin, but that it's really the only thing we can take take ownership of and give to God. I think it was St. Ignatius that said to God, "God I Give you my writing, I give you my good works, I give you my sacrifices" but the only thing that God would accept from him was the gift of his sins. It's the only thing that is all our own to give and the one thing that we want to hold on to and not admit to.

    Great post!

  2. It is so sad that society is taught that it is OK to do something as long as you have a good excuse, Of course it is always easier to sympathize with someone when they do have an excuse but we all seem to be able to come up with so many of them..Yes we need to own to our own misgivings and faults and just apologize for our failings, admitting to them and repenting of our failings has a wonderful way of giving us peace and closure.
    I am joining you today from Lace.
    Have a great day..
    Blessings to you.

  3. This sounds like an inspiring retreat! I think we could all take away a lesson from your post. thanks for sharing.

  4. This is so convicting!
    It's true - we can come up with all sorts of excuses or reasons why we 'act out'.
    Justifying ourselves and fooling nobody.
    Especially God!
    We have a most merciful God and Saviour who loves us and wants to heal all our backslidings and forgive all our sins.
    It's a "no-brainer" really!
    We need confession!
    Thanks for the encouragement to be real about our sins and faults, Noreen.
    God bless you..Trish

  5. Great retreat, something we all need reminding up. Thank you for sharing this and I will be taking it to heart myself. Thanks for linking up to the NOBH

  6. Just found your blog and I love it! Sounds like your retreat was awesome! I've never done a retreat before but after reading your post...I think it would be inspiring!

  7. Thank you ladies for coming to visit! The retreat was very interesting and challenging. Since it challenged your preconceived ideas and pushed you out of your comfort zone... made me want to own up more for some of my actions instead of excusing them away.

    Shelly~ thank you for coming to visit me. I will definitely come and visit your blog too!

  8. Noreen, I nominated your inspiring blog for an award today!
