Friday, December 28, 2012

Feast Day of the Holy Innocents

Today marks the fourth day of Christmas and in the Catholic Church we remember and honor the many boy babies who were slaughtered on a whim by King Herod.  In his attempt to kill the newborn babe who was destined to be the King of the Jews, he had his soldiers kill all male babies in Bethlehem.  Those poor mothers and fathers who had to endure this atrocity.

And how must have St. Joseph and the Blessed Virgin Mary have felt knowing that Herod's soldiers were looking for their son? 

And the grief they must have experienced at the loss of these innocent babies?

Today the Church remembers this sacrifice of innocent victims all for the glory of God.

Holy Innocents, pray for us!  Especially for those moms and dads who will abort their own innocent baby today.  Or who are considering it as their only option.  Pray for them!



  1. It's hard to imagine the suffering the parents' of these tiny martyrs went through. Like you, it makes me think of those who abort their babies today. It also makes me think of the kids in the recent school shooting.

    God bless you, Noreen!

  2. I agree Mary. It is hard not to think about all of the innocent kids who were killed in Newtown. This Christmas Season must be filled with such sorrow and pain for those families. May God fill their hearts with his love and peace.
