UPDATE: Ms. Sherry Boas commented in my comment section that her book, A Mother's Bouquet is now available on Kindle! She also mentioned a companion book for dads called A Father's Heart: Rosary Meditations for Dads which is available in paperback and Kindle as well. Visit her website www.LilyTrilogy.com for more information.
I was given the opportunity to review Sherry Boas' book called
This is a small 60 page book of reflections on each mystery
of the rosary. Her introduction states:
"Why should busy moms pray the rosary?"
She responds by quoting St. Louis de Montfort, who said
"that praying the rosary devoutly dons Jesus and Mary with crowns
of red and white roses that never fade or whither."
"that praying the rosary devoutly dons Jesus and Mary with crowns
of red and white roses that never fade or whither."
The word rosary has a Latin origin meaning "crown of roses."
The goal of this book is to show it's reader that by praying the rosary, you will grow closer to Jesus, by meditating on His life we are drawn into His love that spreads outward to loving our families and neighbors. Isn't this reason enough to want to pray the rosary? Roses for Jesus and Our Mother which overflows where you can't help but love your family and friends. Simply said, you can pray and glorify God by praying the rosary and it's a lovely image that while praying the rosary, Jesus and His Mother, are covered in roses.
A Mother's Bouquet, is broken into six sections beginning with the introduction, then the next four sections are of the mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary. It begins with The Joyful Mysteries and within each mystery, a bible verse is given with a reflection. Each reflection shows the mother her need of His love and graces. It acknowledges the weaknesses that we face and our trials that turn us away from His Love and how to shift our view back to Him. To return to his mercy and blessings. Ms. Boas finishes her book with an explanation of how to pray the rosary. Using this book, it will definitely take the prayer warrior more time but it blesses you while you immerse yourself in the love of Jesus and Mary. I would even go so far as to say, if one didn't have time to pray the complete rosary, meditating on the bible verses and reflections are a wonderful place to start.
Our Lady asks everyone to pray the Rosary every day to combat the evils of this world. Through Ms. Boas' reflections, the reader can jump right in and pray for their family, friends, community, country and world. We need it and through God's grace, we have the rosary prayers and a wonderful woman such as Ms. Boas', to make this prayer experience more heart felt and powerful. I highly recommend this book! It would be a perfect gift for any mother who is just learning how to pray the rosary or for those who are veterans and can grow deeper in it's meaning through the reflections.
The Catholic Company is a great place to go to look for a bible and the Catechism as well as many other books, rosaries and gifts. I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my review from the Catholic Review Program of The Catholic Company. No monetary compensation was given for my review.