I had the opportunity to review
Grace ~ More Than We Deserve Greater Than We Imagine by Max Lucado. I was given a complimentary copy of the book from
BookSneeze for my honest review.
Grace is his most recent book, released in 2012 and I found it to be an easy to read, thoughtful, inspiring book that explores God's grace in our lives. Max Lucado is a well known author and minister from the state of Texas who has devoted his life to spreading the Gospel. What a consolation to be reminded that "God has enough grace to pardon every sin, solve every dilemma, wipe every tear and answer every question. It's more than we deserve and greater than we imagine." Max challenges the reader to search his/her own soul to see if "we've been changed by grace" or "shaped by grace." He uses scripture, quotes from famous saints and theologians to show the reader, where grace has touched them. Many inspirational nuggets of truth can be found here. Some of them seem to leap off the page like this one, "trust God's hold on you more than your hold on God." Simple yet so powerful.
Our society desperately needs to hear this message. The word "grace" is so overused that it's true meaning gets lost in everyday life. Max Lucado endeavors to call attention to it's true meaning. He calls it "God's best idea. His decision to ravage a people by love, to rescue passionately, and to restore justly." Why does God do it? Because he loves us and wants to be Our Father. Nothing we do can merit it. As children of God, we are incredibly fortunate and blessed to be so loved. God's grace is what makes Satan tremble. We don't deserve it yet he loves us, and lavishes it out upon us. Truly Amazing. This is why you should read Max's book and then pass it on to a friend. Our families need to hear this, our friends and neighbors need to hear this, we all need to learn more about the Grace of God. This book will change you.
The last section of the book includes a Reader's Guide by Kate Etue. It can be used as a tool to deepen your understanding of grace. Many thought provoking questions about our own motives and actions can be explored. Then she includes a prayer and an activity to explore grace in your day to day life.