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1. It was said that the "Catholic institutions are not going to be paying for these services that the healthcare provider would be." My response was that the Catholic institution buys the insurance package that is given to their employees. And in the last 10 plus years, the employee pays a portion of the premium with the employer paying the rest. Thereby a Catholic institution is paying for and giving their employees a healthcare package that includes contraception, sterilization, abortion..etc. which they find morally unacceptable.
Am I understanding this correctly?
2. It was said that "the Catholic Church wants to keep church and state separate yet they want the tax exemptions that come with being a church." Plus "they don't have to pay taxes on the donations received yet they have luxuries such as cars, houses and airplanes. It's a double standard." To be honest, I have no idea how the tax exemptions work but I responded with "that may be the case with the megachurches, tv evangelists and perhaps the Vatican and cardinals and yes, I agree that is a double standard, but the typical priest does not live that lifestyle. They live in a small house on the church property that is not theirs but belongs to the parish.
3. Being pro-life and Christian automatically means "we are imposing our beliefs on others while the pro-choice side only wants abortion as an option. They also do NFP." Well, I went into "the big money making machine of the abortion industry using my own clinic in my city and how many abortions are done in this one facility each week. I even included statistics of how many legal abortions have been reported since 1973. So, I don't really buy into that mantra."
4. Here's my own question: "What percentage of entities are we talking about that would like to remove contraception, sterilization, abortion..etc.? Against the larger workforce, I was thinking it was only a small percentage of christian institutions, schools and charities. Does anyone know the answer to this one?
I've not been offended at all in our dialogue because it made me think and think hard on what I believe an why. What are your thoughts?