Thursday, January 9, 2014

My New Patron Saint

I'm a bit slow this year but I finally went over to Saint Generator, offered up a prayer for a saint that Jesus would like me to get to know better and who can be my intercessor.

I offered up my prayer and clicked and my new Patron Saint is:

St. Catherine of Bologna

She is new to me and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better.

Here is a quote that she is known for:

"Jesus Christ gave up his life that we might live," she said. "Therefore, whoever wishes to carry the cross for his sake must take up the proper weapons for the contest, especially those mentioned here. First, diligence; second, distrust of self; third, confidence in God; fourth, remembrance of the Passion; fifth, mindfulness of one’s own death; sixth, remembrance of God’s glory; seventh, the injunctions of Sacred Scripture following the example of Jesus Christ in the desert" (On the Seven Spiritual Weapons).

St. Catherine of Bologna, pray for me!

Peace & Blessings,

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

99 Stories From The Bible Review

My most recent review from Kregel is 99 Stories From The Bible by Juliet David and illustrated by Elina Ellis.  The illustrations take up most of the page with a short synopsis of the bible story.  It's not filtered through a Catholic lens, in fact, it's very mainstream to appeal to all Christian denominations. I wouldn't even call this a bible study for young children.  It's really an introduction to the main stories of the bible which is an ideal place to start.  Young children will be drawn in by the illustrations and learn the names of the the main figures as well as how they interacted with God and Jesus.  The stories are important for children to learn and grow in holiness.
99 Stories from the Bible
I've seen/reviewed a few of these bible storybooks for young children and they all share many of the same stories.  So what would make a buyer choose this one among the many other books out there? For me, it's the illustrations that would make the difference (besides the price).  So, would I be drawn to this particular storybook over others on a bookshelf?  Probably.  The cover is bright and cheerful.

I was given a complimentary copy of 99 Stories From The Bible for my honest review.  No monetary compensation was given.

Peace & Blessings,